Friday, September 23, 2011

Palau Guell by Harry

 We went to Palau Guell. Palau Guell was one of the first houses that Antoni Gaudi designed. He designed it for a very rich man who could see talent in Gaudi. We saw a movie that said he was so rich that in today's time he would be worth 70 billion euros (euros are worth even more than dollars. one euro equals approximately $1.50).
 This was the first house I've seen that had its own church in it.

 At this house, people would enter into the house with their horse and carriage. The people would get out and go up the big entry staircase and the horses would be brought below the house. This was amazing.
(the picture above is the place for the horses & the picture below is the fancy staircase)

At this house Gaudi made famous the use of the parabolic arch. A parabolic arch is the inverted shape of a chain hanging from each end.
This house was amazing and it was Antoni Gaudi's big career break.


  1. It sounds like Gaudi did a lot of work in Barcelona. I like the area where the horses were kept. Very cool.

  2. Gosh H he was so far ahead of his time. It's amazing the things that were in his head. I did see a house/castle/mansion in Lucca that had it's own church, and they too were very rich. I guess it was the thing to do :)

  3. What an amazing designer. I don't think I've ever seen a house with a church in it either. Imagine having front steps like those!

  4. That is such a cool house! I can't believe there is a church inside the house.

  5. I understand the chain comparison now!
