Sunday, September 11, 2011

La Setmana del Libre en Catala by Harry

Today we went to a book fair. All the books were written in Catalan. September 11th is National Catalonia Day. The books were all printed in Catalan to preserve their language. When Franco ruled in Spain, he said that no one could speak Catalan. So now the people in this area of Spain are very proud of their heritage and language and want to make sure that it is preserved for their kids and grandkids.


  1. Hope you bring some home to share with our school library! How fun to see the books we know and love in different languages.

  2. How great of the people to do this. Trying to stop a language has happened almost all over the world. Even in Hawaii the missionary's didn't want the Hawaiian language spoken and what made it more difficult to bring back was the Hawaiian's didn't have the written word. So it was passed through stories among the people.-----and that's my Hawaiian history lesson, so you can take time off tomorrow from school :)

  3. Very interesting Harry. I learned something new today!

  4. Harry and Victoria, what a great day this must have been. Isn't it fun to see the same books, but in a different language? I loved the book covers in Ireland and England. Most of them are put out by Penguin Books, who always do a great job with their book covers.
