Saturday, October 1, 2011

Fundacio Joan Miro

Joan Miro was an abstract artist like Picasso. He made paintings that looked like they were from another world, with the bright colors and bold shapes. There was no mistaking his work.

During the Spanish Civil war, Joan Miro, like many other artists at that time, painted the anger and sadness that he felt.
This painting is called White Glove. It was my favorite painting that Joan Miro did because it reminds me of Mickey Mouse. This is a photo from the internet. You were not allowed to take photos inside the museum.
But you could take photos on the roof top.

Joan Miro believed that in simplicity there was freedom. I don't know what was going through Miro's mind while he was painting because his imagination could really run wild.


  1. Vv, I love his paintings. The first one is beautiful. I don't understand the art on the roof but it's interesting :) Can't wait to see you, I think you and Harry have grown!! :)

  2. Nonnie we were thinking papa would like to go on the bus tours and one of the bus tours goes on Mt Montjuic, which is where this museum is.
    From Vv

  3. That would be terrific. Oh, there's so much to do!!
    Papa says he's in :)

  4. I am with Nonnie on the rooftop sculptures - I sometimes find it hard to understand where the artist is coming from. I love Joan Miro's paintings though. When it was Miro's birthday, Google changed their logo to look like a Miro painting. I thought that was really cool. If you Google "Joan Miro Birthday Google" you will see how they did it. could write out the word "Google" and then design how you think it might look before you look it up! :) I bet Mr. Jay is super jealous of all the amazing things you are seeing. Are you keeping a sketch book?

  5. Do you think sometimes an artist will just go random and let the shapes and colors fall where they may? Say , like on an ET figure with a red screwdriver in his back, and sort of an unfazed look on his face? Ya, me either :)

  6. Miro is one of my favorite artists. Mr. Jay has done a lot with his work over the years. Was there a place at the museum where kids could respond to his art by creating a piece of their own?
